I came across this fun challenge on Alise's blog and on You, Me, and Natalie's Blog and thought it would be fun to post on my blog. The first 5 people to comment to this post can expect to get a fun gift this year!
Pay it Forward 2012. I promise to make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment. They SHOULD in turn post this to their blog (if you have one) and make something for the first five who comment on their post on their blog.
*The rules are it must be handmade by you, and they must receive it before 2012 ends. It can be something as simple as making a friend a cup of coffee. Ready.......Go!Note: if you don't have a blog you are still free to pay, just remember that even if it doesn't get posted anywhere it would still be a nice gesture to give something to 5 different people you care about.
I'm so glad you decided to do this! I'd love to have something handmade from you! =) I'll send you my address in an email!