Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 07: A picture of your most treasured item!

Alrightyyy... So I know that this is like my third post tonight and second of the 30 day photo thing... however, I felt adventurous [: So my necklace is my most treasured item. Both of the items hanging on the chain close to my heart everyday are from my best friend in the entire world. Essentially he is my everything. We have seen each other through the hardest events in our lives as of now, and he never fails to stay by my side. The little half heart up there says "friends" and he has "best". It's kind of a long and completely adorable story on how he gave it to me... but the realllllly quick version is that I got it for my 18th birthday; however it was bought and intended to be given to me 12 years prior :) The ring was another gift from this past Valentine's Day. I love rings and usually wear 4. However, after the many engagement questions, it was just easier to put on the necklace.. and it's closer to my heart and I don't have to worry about it getting lost/ruined by chlorine at work! I love him (:

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